Occasion Of An Essay

  1. Occasion Of An Essay Examples
  2. Occasion Of An Essay
  3. Occasion Of An Essay Example

In other words, inside each personal essay, you, in the form of the essay's speaker, have a clear occasion for assembling images and anecdotes that add up to discovery and emotional insight.

  • 27/10/2012
  • Posted by: essay
  • Category: Essay writing guide

Essay occasion

Occasion Of An Essay

Occasion is the occurrence that prompts you to write. You may need to answer a letter from a friend. Or you may need to send a complaint to the telephone company, whose computer cannot seem to learn that you have paid your bill. Obviously these two occasions would lead you to quite different decisions about a number of matters for instance, the length of the letter and the formality of tone. A frequent occasion for many users of this book will be a writing assignment by the instructor in a college course.

Essay audience

Occasion Of An Essay Examples

Describe an occasion when you felt like an outsider 🎓Usually, when I'm at a party, I try to socialise with as many people as possible in order to enjoy myself. Unfortunately, this was not the case last year. Just like essays, all speeches have three main sections: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. However, unlike essays, speeches must be written to be heard as opposed to being read. You need to write a speech in a way that keeps the attention of an audience and helps paint a mental image at the same time.


Just as you speak in different ways to different people every day-friends and strangers, adults and children, family members and colleagues at school or work your audience also affects how you write and what you write. For instance, terms that would be clear to one audience would need to be defined for another. Moreover, a writing course presents a special audience problem: Your instructor is part of your audience, but no writing instructor wants you to write just for him or her. Instead, your instructor probably wants you to write for a more general audience imagined by you, consisting of intelligent, well- intentioned adult readers. A useful technique for doing so is to imagine one specific reader who is typical of the audience and write to that person. If your course includes collaborative activities in which students read and comment on one another’s drafts, you may know your readers personally and be able to write for them, as well as have the benefit of their reactions (see peer response).

Essay topic


In a writing course, your instructor may assign a topic or allow you to choose your own. If the topic is assigned, unless it is one that already interests you, your challenge is to discover some aspect of it, some way of focusing it, that does interest you. Even when you have the luxury of picking a topic, you may still have the problem of focusing, or narrowing, it so that you can do justice to it in a paper of the expected length. Choosing and narrowing a topic both require careful consideration of audience and purpose.

Occasion Of An Essay

Essay purpose


At the outset or in the course of the writing process, you need to decide on your purpose and then make sure as you draft, revise, and edit your paper that everything works toward accomplishing that goal. Depending on your purpose, some elements of the rhetorical situation will be emphasized more than others. Some writing—usually called expressive emphasizes the writer almost to the exclusion of the other elements. An example is a diary intended strictly for the writers own use, to record feelings, ideas, and experiences. Other writing—certainly most writing done for college courses—emphasizes the topic. What the writer knows about a topic is far more important in such expository writing than what the writer feels. Still other writing, such as newspaper editorials, aims to be persuasive, to move the reader to some belief or course of action. (For more on persuasive writing, see the entries about argument and logic.) Finally some writing is done for its own sake, as art. The writing itself, rather than the writer, topic, or reader, is foremost in the writer’s mind. Most poems, stories, and plays, as well as many essays, fall into this category.

Occasion Of An Essay Example

My most memorable childhood event was when I was 15 years old. It was the Fourth of July. A big family vacation a barbeque, over night stay and out of town trip to six flags, and I had a blast the night before me, my mom, sisters and brother packed our bags to stay the night over my cousin house in Goodlettsville ,Tennessee. She had the biggest house ever I thought it was a mansion; six bedrooms two an half bath, a swimming pool, a game/movie room with a nice big kitchen. It was something that I was not use, knowing that we stayed in a three bedroom based on an income apartment on the East side of Nashville. Arriving to my cousin house i seen alot of my family members even the ones that was from out of town. We greeted eachother and…show more content…
We finally came to a stop i was waken by my big brother hitting me with a water balloon. i was pissed and i rush out the car to get him back but my mom was giving us that you better act like you got some sence or we leaving look so we got under control. Once we got in the theme park the fun had begun. There were so many rides big and small. Some of them i did'nt get to ride because i was too short and they didnt believe my age. So i was mad and ready to home because i thought it was unfair. So i decide to stay by the pool with my granny and Aunt Jackie. Which was fine with me because they gave me money to play games and to get food. I remember almost collecting fifthy dollars from them and that was alot of money to me. I listen to all the grown up gossip. They were funny until they realized i was laughing with them. So they made me go play. I finally seen my brother swimming so that was my plan in revenge i jump on him while he was under water and didnt let him until i felt like he had enough.After while it turned into a game of marco polo. Then it was time to go we got together we all gathered at the concenstation stand and got food and drinks. We took a couple of pictures together and said our last goodbyes before we hopped back on the road to go home. I had so much fun at that the sometimes i wish i could go back to that age at times, but now i have my own kid to raise and have family vacation with. I just