Gambling Jokes – Hilarious and Witty Jokes About Gambling December 3, 2020 Tony Christopher. Having a great sense of humour is essential when you live life under pressure. Gamblers wear the serious poker face during tournaments, but behind the mask, most of them are great to be arou. Hot Casino Jokes and Gambling Cartoons for the Joker in You “What did the dealer say to the deck of cards” and many other classic jokes and puns in the world of online gambling, right here, on L ess than 40 years ago, casino gambling was illegal everywhere in the United States outside of Nevada and Atlantic City, New Jersey. But since Congress passed the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act in. As writers who love all things gambling, we thoroughly enjoy a quality casino pun. We have both written and come across a great number of different gambling jokes. Some are certainly funnier than others, we’ve read all sorts of them, everything from the silly jokes that just hit the funny spot to the clever and witty gambling jokes that take. Weather we’re winning or losing, we all have some anecdotes or funny gambling stories to share. This time around, we’ve decided to look for the most hilarious gambling jokes and casino puns, so these are the best gambling anecdotes that we’ve come across.
Casino & gambling riddles
Solving riddles can be as rewarding as a winning hand of blackjack with the basic strategy. We’ve decided to take a look at some of the most common riddles about gambling and casinos and detail the answers below. See if you can figure them out before reading the answers – then you can take them to the tables yourself and distract your fellow players as they try to crack them. Or check out the best online casinos for Australians.
The casino players
Riddle: There are four men who sit at a casino all night long and play until the crack of dawn. They are there for money instead of fun with a separate score for every one.
When it is time to square the accounts, they each make fair amounts. No one lost, and all gain – can you you explain?
Answer: Each man is a musician for the casino’s entertainment.
A mysterious gambling association
Riddle: A large group, each with a different face – regularly in smaller groups of four with identity as your case.
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The first group will bring a desire of wealth – to steal though is tough and requires stealth.
The second group distract you and lead your mind astray, but don’t let this happen or your life will pay.
The third group can be utilised to take a life, without even using a gun or a knife.
The final group can be used to hide a man who just happened to have died.

Now if you were paying attention, what is this mysterious association we mentioned?
Answer: A pack of cards – each clue describes the four suits of a deck.
- First group – Diamonds, as they make you wealthy but are very hard to steal
- Second group – Hearts, as they can lead you astray
- Third group – Clubs, these are weapons which can be used to kill people
- Fourth group – Spades, which can be used to cover up a murder by burying a body
Heads or tails
Riddle: A gambler has three coins in his hand – the first is a regular coin, the second has two heads, and the third has two tails. The gambler picks a coin at random, flips it, and the result is heads.
What is the likelihood the other side is tails?
Answer: Since there are three heads and only one has a tails on the other side the likelihood is one in three – more of a mathematical problem than a riddle but fun to crack nevertheless.
First to gamble with dice
Riddle: Who were the first people to play with a pair or dice?
Solution: Adam and Eve in Pairadice.

A BlackJack
Riddle: A man visited a local land-based casino and on his first hand he managed to get a blackjack, while the next hand he lost. He then got another hand with a blackjack and the next hand he lost again. He ended up leaving the casino having lost every single hand and with no winnings at all – how is this possible?
Answer: The first hand featured a Jack of Spades and his third hand featured a Jack of Spades, both of which are black Jacks.
A classic riddle for a classic casino game
The game is nice if you see pictures thrice. It bears fruit of trees, sometimes in threes. It is just an arms length in front of you, what is the game?
Answer: A pokies machine.
A simple riddle but a risky wager
Riddle: What does this say? Or nothing. Or nothing
Answer: Double or nothing.
Poker face
Riddle: What is the weakest hand in a game of Texas Hold’em, which you can have but still end on the river with a guarantee of victory?

Answer: Three Queens. For example, if you hold a Queen of Hearts and a Queen of Diamonds, and the board is showing Queen of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds, seven of Clubs, four of Clubs, and two of Hearts, you can’t be beat. A straight or flush isn’t possible and no rank is higher than your Queens to allow someone to hold a better three of a kind.
The identical pokies
Casino Gambling Problem
Riddle: A man owns a small casino with 50 pokies, each identical in appearance and the way they function. They all have the same return to player percentage. However, when the man goes to check the pokies at the end of the day there’s one machine which has 25% more in winnings than the others. What is different about this pokie compared to the others?
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Answer: Nothing – it ultimately comes down to the human factor and that more people must be playing it and losing.