General Purpose Drain Bases. $6.30 - $9.20 General Purpose Drain Bases Fit Floor Drain Assemblies In Restaurants, Restrooms And Other Commercial Plumbing Applications. Smith is an industry leader manufacturing trench drain systems and grates to fit any project. Trench Drain Systems & Trench Drain Grates - Jay R. Member of Morris Group International Member.
Showing all 6 results. Slot Drain Read more; Top Slot Read more; Hidden Curved Slot Drain Read more; Hidden Slot Drain Read more; Curved Slot Drain Read more; Slot Drain Recessed Access Cover Read more. COVID-19 Update: Infinity Drain Open for Business Infinity Drain customer service, technical support, and warehouse will remain open as we fall under New York State's definition of an essential business supporting the skilled trades and hardware & building material stores.

This specification describes 4- through 36-inch (100 to 900 mm) ADS DURASLOT pipe for use in surface drain applications.
Pipe Requirements
DURASLOT pipe, as manufactured and distributed by ADS, Inc., shall have a smooth interior and annular exterior corrugations with an aluminum slot grate frame mounted longitudinally along the length of the pipe to accept the grate while maintaining the original pipe diameter..
- 4- through 10-inch (100 to 250mm) pipe shall meet AASHTO M252, Type S.
- 12- through 36-inch (300 to 900 mm) pipe shall meet AASHTO M294, Type S or ASTM F2306.
- Manning’s “n” value for use in design shall be 0.012.
The aluminum slot grate frame shall be manufactured from 0.063” tempered commercial aluminum meeting the requirements of ASTM B209, consisting of two parallel plates separated by spacers spanning the slot on 6” centers. The grate shall be ½ - #13 galvanized steel. The grate shall have a diamond-shaped opening and be ADA compliant. The flange at the bottom of the aluminum slot grate frame shall be riveted to the pipe with a minimum of two rivets per linear foot.


DURASLOT fittings shall be modified from fittings which conform to AASHTO M252, AASHTO M294, or ASTM F2306.
Installation shall be in accordance with ADS recommended installation instructions. Contact your local ADS representative or visit for a copy of the latest installation guidelines.

This specification describes 4- through 36-inch (100 to 900 mm) ADS DURASLOT pipe for use in surface drain applications.
Pipe Requirements
DURASLOT pipe, as manufactured and distributed by ADS, Inc., shall have a smooth interior and annular exterior corrugations with an aluminum slot grate frame mounted longitudinally along the length of the pipe to accept the grate while maintaining the original pipe diameter..
- 4- through 10-inch (100 to 250mm) pipe shall meet AASHTO M252, Type S.
- 12- through 36-inch (300 to 900 mm) pipe shall meet AASHTO M294, Type S or ASTM F2306.
- Manning’s “n” value for use in design shall be 0.012.

The aluminum slot grate frame shall be manufactured from 0.063” tempered commercial aluminum meeting the requirements of ASTM B209, consisting of two parallel plates separated by spacers spanning the slot on 6” centers. The grate shall be ½ - #13 galvanized steel. The grate shall have a diamond-shaped opening and be ADA compliant. The flange at the bottom of the aluminum slot grate frame shall be riveted to the pipe with a minimum of two rivets per linear foot.
DURASLOT fittings shall be modified from fittings which conform to AASHTO M252, AASHTO M294, or ASTM F2306.
6 Inch Slot Drain
6 Slot Drain
Installation shall be in accordance with ADS recommended installation instructions. Contact your local ADS representative or visit for a copy of the latest installation guidelines.